Info For Parents


8.45 am – 2.40pm

Breaks at: Morning Tea 10.40-11 am

Lunch 12.30- 1.20 pm


At present we have:

Mufti Days,

Individual fund raising for class activities, general school fund raising.

If you would like to help with fundraising, contact the P.T.F.A through the school office.


Please contact the school in the morning if your child is going to be away and each subsequent day they are away sick. If we have no message we will contact home or an emergency number. It is extremely important that we know the whereabouts of every student.

An explanatory note or phone call is expected after an absence from school. If absences are anticipated, please contact us.


The school runs an Ashton Scholastic Book Club service. Approximately twice a term children are given order forms with the months choice of books. Forms and money should be sent to school in a sealed envelope with the child’s name on front. Please keep this separate from other money. Cheques should be made out to Scholastic New Zealand.


You may fill out an Application of Assistance for School Transport if your child travels some distance before they get on the school bus. Route-specific information is available from the school office.


Please let us know of any problems – allergies, hearing, sight, etc and medications. Any medicine can be left at the office with our secretary who is a qualified First Aid officer. Certain medication will require a signed consent form. Panadol or similar will not be administered unless consent is gained from a parent.


St Joseph’s children receive their dental treatment at the Dental Centre on Hautapu Street, Taihape. We are fortunate that the Dental Clinic collects our students from school for their appointments. Parents can phone the clinic for an appointment if they wish to take their child.


The school has a good library with over 3000 books which are continually being updated and restocked. Classes are allocated time each week for students to borrow books. They are expected to respect the library and the books. Replacement costs may be sought from parents or caregivers if books are lost or damaged during issue.


The school produces a newsletter fortnightly and it is sent home with the eldest in the family. If you do not receive a copy please contact the office.


Sports and Phys-Ed are a compulsory part of the curriculum. All children are expected to participate for enjoyment firstly, and for skill and co-ordination development. Please encourage your children to take part. A note or phone call is required if children are unable to take part.


Students are bussed to Taihape Community Pool during Term 1 each year. All pupils must take part in swimming lessons unless they have a note for the teacher. Swimming is part of the Physical Education Programme. No responsibility can be taken for children’s clothing if it is not clearly named. Swimming in Tee Shirts or long trousers is not permitted.


Buses are provided from country areas and all town children are transported to and from school by bus. The Sushi Shop in Tui Street is the St Joseph’s bus stop in the mornings. The children are picked up from school at about 2.45 pm and delivered to the Railway Station at the end of Tui Street in the afternoons. A teacher is on duty each morning and each afternoon to facilitate safe entry and exit from the buses. The town buses leave at 8.25 am and return at approximately 2.50pm to the Railway Station.


Our school has a water only policy. This means that children can only drink water while they are at school. We know that fluids are very important to our general well-being so the staff ask that your child has a named water bottle at school at all times. This bottle will need to be rinsed out and refilled every morning.