Our Learning


All students are expected to read every school night for at least 20 minutes. Basic Facts and Spelling are important and need continual work. Research topics, spare time activities and maths exercises could be expected particularly for senior pupils. Every student has access to Mathletics, Reading Eggs and Spellodrome from home as long as there is internet access. These programs will allow all children to continue their literacy and numeracy learning at home. Any issues or concerns over homework should be discussed with the teachers as soon as practical


Year 7 & 8 pupils only. Provided at Taihape Area School Tuesdays term 1 and 3 each year.


The school has a good library with over 3000 books which are continually being updated and restocked. Classes are allocated time each week for students to borrow books. They are expected to respect the library and the books. Replacement costs may be sought from parents or caregivers if books are lost or damaged during issue.